Sapota varietal performance under different spacing against bud borer, Anarsia achrasella Bradley and their management


  • K. D. BISANE


Bud Borer, Anarsia achrasella sapotaAnarsia achrasella sapota, varietal screening, spacing


The varietal differences against bud borer, Anarsia achrasella Bradley under normal and high density plantations were studied during 2019-20 at Fruit Research Station, NAU, Gandevi, Gujarat, India. The average bud and flower damage due to bud borer in winter 2019-20 was maximum of 6.11, 5.90 and 5.80% in Kalipatti, DHS-1 and Cricket ball, respectively. However, the incidence of bud borer was comparatively less in PKM-1 (3.69%) and PKM-4 (4.22%). However during summer 2020, the highest infestation was reported in Kalipatti (13.34%), DHS-1 (9.40%) and PKM-4 (8.98%). While, the damage was less in PKM-1 (5.54%) and CO-3 (7.55%). The average infestation was found elevated in high density plantation (5.26 and 9.37%) than normal spacing (4.82 and 8.05%) during winter 2019- 20 and summer 2020, respectively. Also, the incidence was noted higher in summer than winter among varieties. Under management trial, the average infestation after fourth spray revealed that Azadirachtin @ 2 ml/lit and Bt @ 2 g/lit were reported lower 5.95 and 6.94% damage, respectively after fourth spray along with 67.59 and 62.19% reduction over control. After that, B. bassiana @ 4 g/lit and Azadirachtin @ 1 ml/lit were recorded infestation up to 9.19 and 9.43%, respectively and showed reduction of 49.94 and 48.61% over control, respectively.


