Author Guidelines
Pest Management in Horticultural Ecosystems (PMHE), an international journal, accepts the original research papers related to the field of pest management (insects, mites, nematodes, plant pathogens, slugs, snails, vertebrates, etc.)in its broadest sense. It includes bio-ecology, population modeling, biocontrol, host plant resistance, use of plant products, semiochemicals, molecular approaches, insecticide resistance, and IPM in horticultural crops (fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, medicinal plants, plantation crops, tuber crops, spices, etc.) Papers related to pollinators in horticultural crops are also considered for publication. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December.
- The manuscript prepared in MS Word can be submitted either online at web site
- The manuscript should preferably pertain to the research work carried out during the last five years. Author(s) must certify that the manuscript has not been submitted elsewhere. All papers will be refereed.
- Short communications on significant research findings or new records are welcome.
- Only invited review papers will be considered.
- All articles should have an ABSTRACT of about 200 words followed by 3-5 KEYWORDS
- Research Notes/Short Notes should have a maximum of one Table and one graph or picture.
- All authors should be members of AAPMHE and life members will be provided with both PDF and printed copies of the journal while annual members are entitled only softcopy.
- There are no processing or page charges to publish articles.
- The decision of the Chief Editor is final. Authors are permitted to photocopy their articles for non-commercial and scientific purposes.
- The manuscript should strictly adhere to the style of the journal. For the style and format authors are advised to refer to the latest volume at or
REFERENCES: References should be cited in the text in the form : (Granett and Dunbard, 1975). The term et al., (italicized) should be used when there are more than two authors. The letters a, b, c.... should be used following the year, to distinguish between two or more papers by the same author(s) in one year. References at the end of the text should be given in the following form :
Journal Article
Morris, R. F. 1954. Single-factor analysis in population dynamics. Ecology, 40: 580-589.
Takabayashi, J., Dicke, M. and Posthumus, M. A. 1991. Introduction of indirect defense against spider mites in uninfested Lima bean leaves. Phytochemistry, 30: 1459-1462.
Book Chapter
Litsinger, J. A. and Moody, K. 1986. Integrated pest management in multiple cropping systems.In Multiple Cropping Ed. Solly, M., American Society of Agronomy, Wisconsin, pp. 293-316.
Singh, D. P. 1986. Breeding for resistance to diseases and insect pests. Springer Verlag. New York.