Bio-efficacy of novel insecticides and biorationals against invasive thrips, Thrips parvispinus (Karny) (Thripidae:Thysanoptera) on chilli
Invasive thrips, Thrips parvispinus, chilli, bio-efficacy, broflanilide 30 SC, fluxametamide 10 ECAbstract
Invasive thrips, Thrips parvispinus (Karny) is a relatively new pest on chilli crop. This species has been occurring in serous proportions and causing significant damage to chilli crop in most of the chilli growing areas of India.In this study we assessed the bio-efficacy of new generation molecules and biorationals against T. parvispinus. The results suggested that new molecules viz., broflanilide 30 SC (18.60g a.i/ha) and fluxametamide 10 EC (40 g a.i/ha) were found highly effective in reducing the thrips population on chilli crop, followed by spinetoram 11.7 SC (60g a.i/ha) and tolfenpyrad 15 EC (150 g a.i/ha). Other insecticides viz., spinosad 45 SC (73 g a.i/ha), cyantraniliprole 10.26 OD (60 g a.i/ha) and thiamethoxam 25 WG (37.50 g a.i/ha) were found moderately effective on this species.
Biorationals viz., Lecanicillium lecanii (2.5 kg /ha), Beauveria bassiana (2.5 kg /ha) and azadirachtin 1 % (2.00 ml/l) recorded comparatively higher thrips populations. The results of this investigation may be useful forthe management of invasive thrips on chilli using insecticides. Further, broflanilide and fluxametamide exhibit similar mode of action and hence must be used prudently to delay the evolution of resistance.