Management of thrips through strategically developed IPM modules in cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) in a semi-arid region


  • N. K. MEENA
  • K. KANT
  • R. S. MEENA
  • R. SINGH
  • R.D. MEENA
  • S. N. SAXENA


Cuminum cyminum, thrips, management, IPM modules, economics


Thrips species viz., Thrips tabaci Lind., Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood and Frankliniella schultzei Trybom (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) cause significant damage to cumin crop in India. In this study, eight IPM modules were evaluated against thrips mixed population. The IPM module (M-5) consisting seed treatment with imidacloprid 600FS @ 3ml/kg seed followed by foliar spray of ker plant extract @ 10ml/lit., Lecanicillium lecanii (1x108cfu/g) @ 6g/l, and fipronil 5%SC @ 0.035% at definite interval was effective for management of thrips (93.67 and 91.78% mortality in thrips population) and was relatively safe to natural enemies, pollinators and minimized pesticide residue in the seeds. Two years data also revealed the effectiveness of IPM modules M-5 resulting in higher seed yield (934 kg/ha) and B: C ratio (3.69:1). It is inferred that IPM modules including botanical product, entomopathogenic fungi based bio-pesticides and need based insecticides are effective for thrips management.


